About Arya Communications
Started in 1988, Arya Com- munications & Electronics Services Pvt. Ltd. offers end- to-end cutting edge solutions in the field of wired and wireless com- munications, security and surveillance, professional engineering services and emerging technology platforms.
The company has around 700+ employees in 15 major cities in India.

Client’s Brief
To manage so many employees in mul-tiple locations, the company was using an in-house application but it was not up to mark to keep tab of what was happening around financially, sales and at inventory level. Rajen Kaul, CEO & Vice President, Arya Communication & Electronics Services Pvt. Ltd., said, “In order to manage large pool of head count and other things, we wanted an application which could give us accurate customised data and financial
reports should be easy to install, manageable and flexible, so that the report or data captured are in sync with our requirements.
Solution Provided
In 2011 Arya Communications implemented Tally.ERP 9. Even though they evaluated some of the big brands like Oracle and Ramco, but found Tally.ERP 9 cost effective with a proven track record of successfully han-dling SME/SMB requirements . For Arya Communication the initial days were a little difficult due to lack of domain knowledge but with proper support and hand holding from Software At Work (India) Private Limited, things became much smoother.
CA Vikram Seth, CEO, Software At Work (India) Private Limited, said, “ Tally.ERP 9
had capability to handle this scale. Only thing we required was to understand their system and after some meetings with Arya Communications’ key people we understood their requirements and offered them the solution. Their users were trained for some time. “
Mr. Rajen added, “ I think Tally is a great product – especially like statutory compliance, stock and debtors ageing features are absolutely excellent.” Asked about what were the function- alities implemented and used first, Mr. Rajen explained, “We created a standard Chart of Accounts and Chart of Inven- tory for multiple locations. Each location was captured as profit/cost centre at HO. Respective location Opening Balances mapped and consolidated at HO. Location-wise various types of accounting and inventory transactions entered. This included location-wise types of sales invoices. Apart from all other statutory modules, state-wise VAT module were implemented. Then we synchronized data at HO from multiple locations like
Hyderabad, Calcutta, Bangalore, Delhi, Bhopal, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu.”Such an approach was taken to bring uniformity in all masters at all locations. This helped the company to generate various MIS including location-wise inventory to expenses, location-wise inventory etc.
Finally the company today is able to generate data with utmost ease and the management is able to get MIS as early as required with much clarity and predictability.